Did you know that around 30% of data saved across an enterprise is redundant? It’s a result of data hoarding, a practice that everyone is guilty of (we save everything but lose track of what we actually need to keep). Known as “dark data”, it has very little benefit to an organisation. And adding storage hardware has only compelled the data glut further, creating an unstructured data nightmare for many IT managers. 

A recent Gartner report says that the only way to address the issue is with a file analysis product, which will enable organisations to review their data usage, create policy on quotas and data retention and dispose of dark data accordingly.* 

Pixel IT is the exclusive Australian supplier of the Northern Storage Suite, an enterprise grade solution that addresses the way that data is created by providing thorough analysis of user-generated data. 

Key features:

  • Insight into user-generated data through enterprise-wide reporting 
  • Role-adapted reports that provide information to users regarding the impact their storage data has on the organization
  • Control over user-generated data through establishing disk quotas
  • Improved data structure, and decreased liability through file blocking

This month, Pixel IT is offering a 20% discount off all new license purchases of the Northern Storage Suite Package. 


*The Gartner Report is entitled “Organizations Will Need To Tackle Three Challenges To Curb Unstructured Data Glut and Neglect” and was published by analysts Alan Dayley, Debra Logan